RAF - Dakota Aircraft Ditching and Dinghy Drill
RAF - Vickers and Supermarine Aircraft in Service With the Royal Air Force Overseas and at Home
RAAF - Manual of Operating Instructions for the "Wackett" Trainer Aircraft
Radio Aids to Landing Approach
It Was Like This - Mabel Winifred Redwood
Red Arrows - Ray Hanna
References, Chic's
Roberts, Sir Denys
Captain Charles de Ricou
Rin-No-Ji Temple Nikko
Rockdale Street Landing, The
Rose Croix - The Ceremony of Rose Croix Of Heredom - 1951 (Masonry)
Royal Aero Club of NSW
The Royal Aeronautical Society - Supplement to Year Book 1955-56
The Royal Order of Scotland - Report and Historical Survey 1953 (Masonry)
Journal of The Royal Society of Arts - Extracts
R/T Procedure Charts
Rutherford, Dr. Lancelot
Rutherford, Lance Correspondence
Notes on Operation of Pratt & Whitney Aircraft R-2800-CB Series Engine Pratt & Whitney