Allan Hewson Military Artist
Allan Hewson was born in Sydney on January 26, 1944 the first son of RAAF pilot Jack Hewson. From an early age he had a love of the sea and joined the RAN in 1959 in the first Junior Recruit intake, becoming a clearance diver. After service in the navy and working as a commercial diver for a number of years he took his Ship's Masters Certificate and captained various vessels around the Pacific until the late 1990s.
After retiring from sailing he then devoted his time to developing an inherited artistic trait producing naval and civil aviation paintings for commissions and many for his own enjoyment.
In October 2011 he was diagnosed with a brain tumor and sadly passed away a few weeks later on the 20th of that month.
After retiring from sailing he then devoted his time to developing an inherited artistic trait producing naval and civil aviation paintings for commissions and many for his own enjoyment.
In October 2011 he was diagnosed with a brain tumor and sadly passed away a few weeks later on the 20th of that month.